LightNVM can be interfaced through the nvme cli tool (nvme-cli). It allows you to create, delete, and manage LightNVM targets and devices.

lnvm can easily be installed on Ubuntu by installing the nvme-cli package

sudo apt-get install nvme

If you are not running Ubuntu or wish to compile from source. It is also available at Github (

After nvme cli has been installed, its commands can be listed with:

nvme lnvm --help

To list devices and targets Supported devices register with LightNVM upon initialization. To list registered devices:

nvme lnvm list

To list available targets and their version:

nvme list info

A device must first have a media registered when it is first used (pre-4.11)

nvme lnvm init -d $DEVICE

To add a target on top of a device registered with the gennvm media manager:

nvme lnvm create -d $DEVICE -n $TARGET_NAME -t $TARGET_TYPE -b $LUN_BEGIN -e $LUN_END
  1. $DEVICE: Backend device. lnvm devices to list available devices.
  2. $TARGET_NAME: Name of the target to be exposed -> /dev/$TARGET_NAME
  3. $TARGET_TYPE: Target type. Targets need to be compiled individually before they can be instantiated at run-time. For now, rrpc and pblk are the available implementations.
  4. $LUN_BEGIN: Lower bound of the LUN range allocated to the target.
  5. $LUN_END: Higher bound of the LUN range allocated to the target.

After successfully registering the target. You may issue reads and writes to /dev/$TARGET_NAME

For example, to allocate LUNs 0 to 63 to a pblk instance using the NVMe device nvme0n1:

nvme lnvm create -d nvme0n1 -n mydevice -t pblk -b 0 -e 63

A target instance are removed again by:

nvme lnvm remove -n targetname